by Hale Dwoskin, Sedona.com
If you are currently in a situation at work or at home where you feel unappreciated, realize that if things continue this way, your job or personal relationships will likely suffer. However, the following steps will help you gain the acknowledgement you need and deserve to be happy.
1. Talk about your feelings. The first step is to let your supervisor, spouse, etc., know that you need to feel more appreciated. Don't accuse them, but do be direct and firm in what you need.
2. Ask for what you want. Sometimes people don't know just how to make you feel appreciated, so tell them. This could be, "I'd like to schedule a monthly sit-down to discuss my work performance," or "I need you to say 'thank you' when I cook dinner every night."
3. Listen to, and acknowledge, the other person. Allow the person to express how they feel about what you've said, and listen to their viewpoints. Then, give them time to make the changes you've requested. When they do show their appreciation, make sure you acknowledge their efforts to do so in return.
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