By Gamy Rachel
Can I ask you a question? If one day you need to hire a programmer to work for you to program all the software in your company, what kind of software programs would you want this programmer to create and put in for you?
Do you think it will vastly affect your company’s business if he is to create junks to put into your computer system, which your company’s life line depends on it? The answer is obvious isn’t it? You would want the programmer to create the best system that will work for you is that right? I know I would, and I will make every effort to ensure that it is so. I would not want anybody to put in programs and software that will be detrimental to my whole computer system.
I would relate this to our Brains, Minds and Thoughts. The commonly used term for computer is GI GO – Garbage In Garbage Out. I would say that this should also be used for our Minds and our Thoughts. As these saying goes
“Nothing is either good or bad but thinking make it so” –Shakespeare
“The empires of the futures are the empires of the mind” -Winston Churchill
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” -Joseph Addison
Every thing begins with A Thought, the computer you are seeing right now began with a thought. The light bulb invented by Thomas Edison, began with a thought and so is the Wright Brothers who saw the plane flying way before it has flown, it all began with A THOUGHT. First we have to start with A THOUGHT, next comes VISION, then comes PLANNING and finally – TAKE ACTION = POSITIVE RESULTS.
When I first wanted to have a blog that focus on Mind Development, Self Help, Brain Wave Technology, Motivational and Inspirational topics, I began with A Thought in my mind. My thoughts has now become a reality. I now have two blogs. Mind Think Success and Make A Living Honestly.
If you look back at the careers of successful people, like Bob Proctor, Anthony Robins, Joe Vitale, Randy Gage, Jack Canfield just to name a few, you will find that almost every one of them first visualized in their minds what they wanted long before they actually achieved success.
Be careful what you put in your mind, when you dwell on certain things long enough over and over again until it set in your sub-conscious mind and set it to auto-pilot, it will manifest eventually. So I would advise you only dwell on good stuffs.
How do we do that? You know the minute we wake up each day, we are being bombarded by all the bad news, negative things and nonsense, it just come to us from all directions. We really have enough of these bad news daily, and we don’t have to help to add in more ourselves, it is enough supply for our entire life.
But what we don’t have enough of are positive energy, good news, positive news, positive things that will lift up our spirit, motivational things that will bring us up rather then pull us down.
Why? It’s because it is natural that human beings are easily swayed towards negative.
Have you come across a new born baby that just come out from the mother’s womb laughing heartily? like “Haaaaaaaaaa” to announce to the world he or she has arrived? What do you hear? it’s always a big crying baby’s voice that sounds like this ”Waaaaawww…..” didn’t I tell you, it is so easy to be negative? :) So to feed our minds with positive thoughts, it does take some effort.
“If you don’t invest in you, why should anyone else?” - Randy Gage
Invest in You, because You are the reason the birds are singing, You are the reason the sky is brighter, You are the reason there will be more good news. So start investing in You.
My Best To You & Your Best Is Yet TO Be
Gamy Rachel
Author's Bio
Gamy Rachel has obtained I.T.E.C (UK) Diploma in Diploma in Anatomy Physiology and Diploma in Aromatherapy. Also a home based business entrepreneur. You can find information on brainwave, visualization, self-help and more.
Do you mind ?
Cheers, Lina
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