Friday, August 10, 2007

KOPI - Menambah Kemampuan Mengingat

Tau ngak kalau Kopi bisa menambah kemampuan mengingat ?

Saya baca di suatu majalah bahwa minum kopi ternyata tidak hanya membuat kita lebih awas, tetapi juga dapat melindungi ingatan kita.. Katanya peneliti dari Universitas Arizona menemukan bahwa dengan minum kopi di siang hari akan membantu mencegah penurunan ingatan jangka panjang yang dialami banyak orang pada jam-jam tersebut. Lho koq bisa?

Tapi jika kita bukan penggemar kopi (seperti saya), kita dapat menghindar efek samping dari minum kopi seperti perasaan gemetar, pusing dan lapar dengan minum teh, karena teh mengandung caffeine yang lebih ringan.

Jadi ... ngopi yuk !!

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Apa yang akan terjadi apabila kita mengikat roti mentega di punggung kucing dan menjatuhkannya dari meja ? Roti atau kaki kucing yang terlebih dahulu menyentuh lantai?


"Telling others is the key to changing your wishes into dreams."

You know that "dream" you have?
The one that nobody else knows about?
That isn't a dream. It is a wish! We all have things we secretly wish would happen.

But those aren't dreams. In order to change that wish into a dream, you have to tell somebody about it!

That gets it out into the realm of something you are actually pursuing, rather than something you are just hoping or wishing for.

"But what do I do, just walk up to somebody and say, 'Hey, want to hear my dream?'"

Well, sure, that works. But you could also start the conversation by saying, "I have a question for you: What is your dream?"

Two things will happen. One, you will foster their wish into a dream and secondly, when they finish, they will say, "So, what's yours?" BINGO!

Action Point:
Have at least two conversations today about your dream. Then do the same tomorrow and the next day - with different people!